For my coach, Buddhi.
Have you ever come across a person in your life who had a profound influence on you? Who brought the best out of you, challenged you, and encouraged you to keep fighting in life? Someone you hated at times because he or she spoke the truth?
But you needed to hear it in order to learn and grow.
I've been blessed to know a handful of people like that in my life but none with the HUGE heart and charisma of my coach, Noel "Buddhi" Bodaghi. Noel coached my "ragtag" basketball team from my teenage years to mid-twenties. We played in Bay Area men's leagues and traveled around California to play in Assyrian basketball tournaments. We were undersized, not very athletic, and timid. By the time Noel was done with us, we were quick on our feet, confident, smart, and tenacious. He pushed us to the limits both physically and mentally to build our stamina and resilience. We became smart players who thrived under pressure and enjoyed competition. I'm so thankful for the sacrifices Noel made to teach us lessons that we could carry on for a lifetime. As I look back, I realize that a big part of who I am today is a product of his teaching and mentoring. He didn't get a penny for the countless hours he coached us, it was all passionate volunteer work. Although, I'm sure the rewards he received as he watched us grow into men with strong character was priceless.
I had the pleasure of working with Noel on his branding project for his DJ company, Epic Music Entertainment. Of course, he pushed me creatively and brought the best out of me—as he always did.
Championship team, I’m #8 standing in the back.
I’m the funny guy in the center/front
Noel also enjoyed photography after he stopped coaching due to his health issues. He took this picture of me during a tournament in Turlock, California.
“Moments in my life. Before my bone marrow stem cell transplant, After transplant, and now. I beat #amyloidosis Gods plan, not mine. Call it what you want. It's still all a dream. See that smile - sign of being resilient. Hate to lose - love to win. All glory to God.” —Noel
Noel passed away in 2016 and suffered for many years before that as be battled Amyloidosis. He kept shocking the doctors by surviving longer than they expected. His faith was remarkable. God showed the world miracle after miracle as Noel kept surviving something that nobody else could. His fight, will to live, and grit was just amazing. He left his mark in many people's hearts and he will live on forever through his loved one's memories. I know he's in a better place now and I know I'll see him again on the other side.
The Assyrian athletic community of San Jose organized a sports tournament in remembrance of our beloved Noel, called "The Buddhi Games."
I tried helping out in my own way by designing the logo for the event. You can see the logo design below.

N O E L ’ S F A V O R I T E Q U O T E :
“Talent is God given.
Be humble.
Fame is man-given.
Be grateful.
Conceit is self-given.
Be careful.”
— John Wooden