They love
to create.
Having some design
fun with my kids
Vol. 01
Below is a collection of projects I worked on with my kids. I love how creative they are and how they know what they like and want.
We turned my quick drawings into vector artwork.
I was the illustrator. Mila (age 7) and Isaiah (age 5) were the Art Directors, meaning they told me what to do.
Mila was inspired by the snow, so she drew a picture.
I helped apply color while she directed.
Every Friday is …
Family Movie Night! So we made some posters and ate buttery popcorn during the movies.
Every Tuesday is …
Taco Taco Tuesday! So we designed a fun Taco Taco Tuesday pattern and did a little dance (while drooling).
For Valentine’s Day,
we made some nice things for mama! Isaiah was “a soldier for love.”